Friday, September 2, 2011

Blood Sucker

                Since yesterday was all about JD, P got a little jealous, even though he appeared in two of the pictures.  So to make it fair, I would like to tell you a small story about something that had happened to P during my month hiatus.  

P acting innocent.

                Our yard, both front and back is a little lacking in the luster department, but since it is a rental house, I am not willing to shell out the dollars to make it beauteous (although I secretly wish Yard Crashers would find me at one of the home improvement stores to help out this situation).  Not to mention it is absent of a much wanted and would be appreciated fence.  Well, that’s not completely true.  There is a lone barb wire, yes; I said barb wire fence lining the back “wall” with wild weed overgrowth indicating where the backyard ends, and one of the neighbors did put up a chain link fence around their yard, so I happen to have a partial fence on one side.  

The yard.

I know you’re probably wondering, “If this blog is supposed to be about P, why is she enlightening us on this dreadful backyard?”  Well it is important background information. 

P and JD do their, ahem, in the corner of the yard, right next to that unpleasant barb wire fence and wild overgrowth.  I never think to check them before they come in, mainly because before my big move, I lived in a very dry desert climate.  One night after using Mother Nature as their toilet, the fur babies came in, ate, and then cuddled in bed (my bed to be exact), basically their typical routine.  JM was petting P, when his hand came across something rough and prickly; he absent mindedly pulled out what he concluded was a bur.  After inspecting this dried up plant seed, he in fact noticed that it wasn’t a plant at all.  What he was holding had little legs that were furiously moving in a meager attempt to escape.  JM threw the creature down out of shock (and a little fear, but shhhh, don't tell him I told you that), and I rushed P to the kitchen to inspect his, now bleeding profusely back.  It turns out what JM had in between his fingers was a tick.  I never had to deal with ticks before; they weren’t a common thing you saw in the southwest desert, at least not to me.  So now I am trying to stop the bleeding, at least as much as I can because I know ticks have an anti-clotting enzyme, to make sure the head is not stuck in the wound, JM is frantically looking for the tick he threw, and JD, well JD is wondering what all the wild commotion is about.  JM finds the tick, and holy cow!  This sucker (pun intended) was huge!  It must have been feasting on P for at least 15-30 minutes.  We ended up flushing the tick down the toilet and tried to go to sleep, but after finding a creepy crawler on one of my pups, it was a hard thing to do.  

P trying to sleep after the creepy crawler "took his juices."

In the morning I called my veterinarian office to see how prone Lyme disease is in this area (especially since JD’s bf caught it) and if I should bring P to get checked out.  

JD's boyfriend, isn't he the most handsome white GSD you've ever laid eyes on?!?!  JD has excellent taste in pups, and so does Rugie's human.

The lady on the phone probably thought I was an over bearing doggie mom, because she kind of chuckled at my unnecessary and probably in her eyes excessive worry.  After much reassurance, I decided to keep P home, but under a watchful eye.  Now my puppies are on Frontline flea and tick control, and the backyard and weeds get sprayed once a month with bug killer, just to ensure that neither of them have to worry about a blood sucker again.  

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