Friday, April 15, 2011

Mind Your Own Business!

                I would like to start this off with a disclaimer:  {I AM NOT AN ANIMAL ABUSER, NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN ABUSIVE}.  Anyone who knows me and the way I treat my pets know that I would go to the end of the world and back for them.  Now with that being said, today was an infuriating day.  Well at least the mid-morning part of the day and this particular incident has been troubling me all day. 

                Today I went to a special birthday party for a special organization.  We were all encouraged to bring our loved ones, family, friends, and so forth.  Well since I don’t have any children of my own yet, I decided to bring Mr. P.  P is a bit rambunctious and yappy around new people (I blame the Chihuahua in him).  I got there early to ease him into the situation and get him used to his surrounding of complete strangers before the ceremony began.  After 15 minutes of asserting his manly toughness I thought enough was enough, and told him to stop barking.  I would tell him “no” or “stop it” with an ever so stern finger pointed at him, but after about five times of disobeying, it was time for a spank.  {SPANK}, I smacked his little booty, and sure enough the barking stopped.  Then after a few minutes of behaving I wanted to let him know he was doing well by playing with him, so I pinched the base of his tail to start a friendly play fight.  All the while a soldier was watching me from afar.  She approached me in a angrily, declared she works with abusive strays and that I needed to stop hitting P and pulling on his tail because it bothers her.  That sent me into a rage.  It was like someone came up to me, whacked me in the face, and told me I was a bad parent.  I wasn’t having it.  I kindly told her to mind her own business, and if she did not like the way I disciplined my “child” then she could look elsewhere, if that did not suit her, then she could report me for animal cruelty.  Apparently that did not settle with her well, and she stormed off, but the fact that this woman came over to me and demanded that I stop an action that was in no way near considered abuse, pissed me off for a lack of a better term.  I’m still irate about it even though it was well over seven hours ago.  I am all for people getting involved when involvement is clearly needed, but because I spanked my dog and playfully nipped at his tail?  UGH!  The nerve of some people!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is outrageous!! I can't believe someone would say that. I would have been enraged as well.


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