Sorry about my long hiatus, and I do mean loooooooooong. JM, P, and I were out visiting family while JD got to spend time at her friends and her boyfriend’s houses. I know, it doesn’t seem fair, but since we were visiting our grandmothers it only seemed like a safe choice. We wouldn’t want JD accidently knocking anyone over and injuring them, not that she would, but better safe than sorry. And now that we are home, I am exhausted from the extensive amount of driving we did. I officially feel drained. What is it about a trip that makes it hard to get back into the swing of things? Also, why is it when you visit your family it never seems you get to spend enough time there, but when you visit someone else’s family, you are just counting down the minutes till you return home?
Well back to the trip, or at least the leg where we visited my grandmother.
My grandma and I
JM was taken aback when he laid eyes on my grandma’s house, which is an old farm house (that I unquestionably love) and heard that the small town she lives in is also inhabited with the Amish. JM grew up in the city, so country life was all new to him, and I'm not sure that this was a life style he would be willing to do for an extended period of time.
Isn’t it quaint?
The farm house is so old that there’s even an outhouse out front. You can barely make it out in the right hand side of the above picture.
Of course it is no longer used, and no, it does not smell. We just don’t want to tear a piece of history out.
So you may be wondering if it's an old farm house, where's the farm? Well, there are no animals on this farm anymore, other than cats. Having animals is just too much work for my grandma. But here are a few pictures of the once was farm.
Above: The barn Below Left: the old chicken coop Bottom Right: planted field
Cabin in the sky, or the deer hunting perch.
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