The past week I was visiting my nephews, and while there, P had discovered an outlandish hole in one of the doors there. A hole in the wall? Yes, a hole in the wall, but this was not a mundane or impractical hole in the wall, it was a kitty door.
The hole next to a Diet Mist can for size comparison.
P feared the kitty door, even though the thing he relishes most was closed behind it, FOOD!
That's pure fear in his eyes.
Determined to train him to conquer his fear, P and I spent hours just trying to get him to muster up the courage just to walk through. Even after an hour a day, for three days, P refused to walk through the door without some sort of inspiration, T Bonz.

The furtherest we got, was P feeling comfortable enough to put his head through. Maybe on our next trip, he’ll be able to master the elusive hole.
Oh P! We will send you some courage vibes the next time ;)