There’s nothing I love more than cuddling with my pups, but sometimes, I think they are trying to kick me off the bed, rather than cuddle with me. JD and P had just gotten a new bed of their own, but instead of sleeping on it, I think they think that my bed is actually their bed, and that nice bed I got them is just decoration for the floor. I occasionally catch them dozing off on it, but most of the time, the two of them are up off the floor snoozing on the queen size pillow top of comfortable bliss. P being the smaller of the two, you would like to believe he takes up less space on the bed, but no, not my P. He loves to rub up against you, and then lay sideways taking up the maximum space his little body can acquire. JD on the other hand, likes to lie on her back right at your feet claiming the whole bottom half of the bed of her own. This morning I woke up to this…
Sure enough, I rolled over and fell out of the bed. Hearing the noise, my “kids” did nothing but a simple glance over to see what the thud was, and then continued back to dream land. Even though my toosh was in throbbing pain, I still can’t help but love these two bed hogs.

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