I have recently wanted a way to express my creative side and have thus decided on writing a blog. Yes, I have jumped on the blog train. I am not the greatest of writers and yes, I do misspell words on occasion (thank goodness for spell check!), so please try not to be too hard on my grammar. I figured by writing every day, or nearly every day, it will help improve my writing skills.
Anyone who already knows me would tell you, I love three things: my family, including those who walk on all four with wet noses, my friends, and my partner in crime. Some would even go to say that I am a bit of a canine enthusiast, or any animal for that matter. I would like this blog to express the love I have for those three things as well as the many adventures of me, “J,” my trusty side kick “J,” (but to create less confusion I will refer to as “JM”), and our two fur companions, “J” (who will be dubbed “JD”), and “P.”
Meet JM and J
Introducing JD.
And the P to the J3.
I’ll talk about some of the things we do day to day, the adventures we go on, or rather the adventures that find us, and one of my newly found passions, cooking. So with all that being said, I would like to start this off with an adventure that had happened a few weeks ago.
JM and I went on a much needed vacation with a group of his friends to a vacation hot spot known as Cancun, Mexico.

While we were away, my oldest brother and sister in law agreed to watch the fur babies, JD and P. Well, JD being the quiet pup she is sat inconspicuously on her bed hidden by the L shaped couches. My sister in law did her usual daily routine of turning off the lights and making sure her own fur child was secure in the “box” (also known as the kennel), before turning on the alarm and heading out the door. Now keep in mind JD is not in the box. My sister in law left for a full day of work, and was unaware of the madness occurring at her home. JD must have gotten up at some point and set off the alarm. With the alarm blaring and no one home to turn it off or answer the phone, the alarm company dispatched units. Policemen, firemen, and the neighbors all stood outside her house trying to find out if anyone was in danger. I know what you are thinking. This is the cell phone age, why didn’t anyone call her cell? Well to answer that, the cell phone was either turned off, or not charged. My brother got a call from alarm company and must have come home to assure everyone that there was no pressing matter at hand, and that it was in fact, a false alarm. Poor JD must have been terrified of all the commotion going on both inside and outside of the house.
Now fast forward a couple of days. JM and I have returned from our trip and were excited to pick up JD and P and head home. As we were merging onto the interstate a police officer decided to pull us over. After approaching our vehicle, he informed us that he had clocked us going 2 MPH over the speed limit. I have a great respect for officers and everything that they do for their community in keeping everyone safe, but really? 2 MPH? I suppose breaking the law is breaking the law. I pulled over, and complied with the officer’s requests, handed over my license and insurance, and even stepped out of my vehicle for questioning. His questions were oddly specific, and after he was satisfied with my answers he told me to send JM to his patrol car for questioning. Then it dawned on me. He must think we are drug runners with the dogs and luggage in the back. After questioning JM, the officer asked for permission to search my vehicle. I didn’t have anything to hide, so I succumbed to his request in hopes of, “if I obey maybe I will not get a speeding ticket.” JM, JD, P, and I sat on the side of this interstate while the officer waited for back up, and then riffled through our belongings. It’s an odd feeling you get while watching a complete stranger go through your personal belongings. When the officer realized nothing was going to yield from his search he let us go free of any charge. WHEW! That was a relief. Soon enough, we were all piled back in my car and back on track to heading home, to where a long nap awaited us.